
CSN Lab is launching the “tegh-tegh” mobility project.

The initiative is designed for artists, cultural practitioners and/or researchers who are citizens of the Republic of Armenia. The primary objective of the project is to support and enhance the mobility of artists and promote their mobility and the implementation of cultural projects in the regions of Armenia.


Project details

"tegh-tegh '' is a unique project that aims to decentralize art, culture and research by supporting the projects to be implemented in the RA regions. We welcome applications from artists, cultural practitioners, and researchers who are citizens of the Republic of Armenia. You can seek support for your ongoing projects or those in the conceptual phase. The projects supported by “tegh-tegh” should revolve around the themes of Soviet heritage and the complex past and be implemented within any of the four regions of the Republic of Armenia: Syunik, Tavush, Shirak, or Vayots Dzor.

Who can apply?

Applicants to the "tegh-tegh" project should meet the following criteria: be artists, cultural practitioners, or researchers who are citizens of the Republic of Armenia, have attained the age of 18, and possess previous experience in implementing projects related to the Soviet heritage and complex past. 

Duration of the project

The project is scheduled to take place in August-September. Participants are expected to carry out their projects within a month's timeframe and allocate a minimum of 10 days in the chosen location for their implementation.


The selected participants will receive financial support in the amount of 380.000 AMD to implement their projects and take care of their accommodation. Please prepare a budget for your initiative and attach it to your application.

Why should you apply to tegh-tegh?

This project provides a unique opportunity for artists, researchers and cultural practitioners  for creative discovery and interdisciplinary collaboration. 

By participating in "Teh-Teh", you will have the opportunity to:

  • To address important topics that are often neglected by artists and researchers,

  • Contribute to the decentralization of cultural and academic spheres in Armenia,

  • Get to know the communities living in the regions of Armenia, involve them in your projects, cooperate with them and promote the diversity of the cultural and academic field,

  • Get financial support to implement your artistic and/or research project,

  • Enhance your creative skills, broaden your network, gain exposure to different environments, and explore fresh perspectives and approaches,

  • To foster the representation of Armenian regions in artistic and research endeavors.

How to apply?

If you are interested, please send the following documents to info@csnlab.net:

  • A curriculum vitae (CV) that highlights your background, accomplishments, and expertise in the realms of arts, culture, and/or research,

  • A portfolio that showcases your work and artistic vision,

  • Project description which must include information about the project's subject, genre, selected region, and preferred duration.

The application submission deadline is Saturday, July 15, 2023.

We will inform about the results by July 25. Selected participants will be expected to submit a report to CSN Lab, share and publish their works on our website and participate in the final presentation of the project.

We eagerly anticipate receiving your applications. Should you have any questions or require further details, please don't hesitate to contact us via email at info@csnlab.net


“tegh-tegh” is supported by the Danish Cultural Institute (DCI) in the framework of the “New Democracy Fund” (NDF) project.